
The universe is, quite literally, made of music.

In the beginning, God said "let there be light." And the n-dimensional sound of his voice resonated forth into the nothingness, sounding as a hypercello being stroked by a jet engine. It was the greatest and most terrifying music which was ever performed, except perhaps for Wagner.

The ever expanding melody folded back on itself, ricocheting over and over like a perpetual bullet in a concrete sphere. Leaving a superstring of disturbed quantum flux in its wake, each harmonic overlap formed a node in a cymatic dance of ever-compounding Fourier transforms.

Unlike our music, this first aria produced reflections which did not fade with time... rather, they strengthened in a perfectly resonant loop, aligning in such a way only an infinite intellect could foresee. The antinodes of these vibrations formed the boundaries of the first of the fundamental particles.

The fugue uttered by the Almighty -- we can only assume it was a fugue -- ended in under a single Planck time, but the echoes of its exposition can still be seen by radiotelescopes today. The fundamental effect it had on nothingness is that of division, separation: light from dark, yes; but also existence from nonexistence, positive charge from negative, order from chaos, and perhaps most importantly, NP from P.

It was this division, and the resulting tension back towards unification with Him, that created the concept of potential. For the first time, there was an actual and a possible. For the first time, apples could fall, and voltages could drop. For the first time, well -- it was the first time there was a first time.

Then, just when this newborn universe was in perfect order, something unexpected happened.

He sneezed.

But this was no ordinary nasal irritation... it was electromagnetic. Positively charged. Instead of simple fluid dynamics, plasma physics were at play. It was a sneeze that flowed both inward and outward simultaneously, at multiple velocities, like a solar wind.

With this, the universe ceased to be perfect. But, it was now something much more important: it was good. It was this extradimensional spittle that introduced just the right amount of chaos into our world. Without it, particles would have happily stayed put in precise tension forever -- but as the entropy spread, and the eddy currents strengthened, they began to slowly drift and eventually orbit each other.

Forming quarks, tiny clusters with complex orbital shells and finally long-scale Birkeland filaments counterrotating and twisting across the heavens, larger and larger groups of particles cascaded into deeper and deeper gravity wells and Z-pinched into stars like grapes on an intergalactic vine. The particles seemed to sing a rendition of the fugue themselves, first in unison and then in counterpoint, while spinning from sheer joy... some clockwise, others counterclockwise. So the song of creation is passed down, in the form of an illusion known as physical existence.

The Father observed in delight as His immaculate sneeze set forth a chain reaction of events, progressing through ephocs of time where entire worlds were created and destroyed, eventually concluding after several quintillion cesium-133 oscillations with the spark of consciousness arising in a curious life form deep within the fertile atmosphere of the planet we now call... Saturn.

Modified Thursday, April 01, 2021