
A Few Truck & Garage Updates

Undercoating - 1 of 3 Undercoating - 2 of 3 Undercoating - 3 of 3

Back in November I undercoated the truck using "Fluid Film Black". A couple of noteworthy, um, notes:

  1. Between this being a full undercoating rather than a touch-up, and the truck being a large-ish vehicle, I used about a gallon and a half of oil.
  2. The sprayer I got (meant for Wool Wax) worked fine, but getting it started was tough. I warmed the oil up some, and had to sort of squeeze the bottle a bit to force the oil up into the sprayer, but once it was going it came out well.
  3. The last half gallon was just regular Fluid Film, because I only had a gallon of the black variety. I used it mainly for coating the less visible areas -- insides of the frame & body panels etc. Next time I might use a second sprayer for the plain stuff, so I can easily switch back and forth.
  4. The day involved lots of rolling around on the ground on my back... this project only really was worth doing myself because the truck is so high up off the ground. (The Jeep will no doubt be just fine too.) Doing other "regular" vehicles will probably not be possible without a lift.

Tool Organization - 1 of 3 Tool Organization - 2 of 3 Tool Organization - 3 of 3

Finally got a proper tool box (for Christmas, thanks Beth!). This enabled me to finally start organizing tools on the pegboard, and use up a bit of my sticker collection. Hopefully, this means no more piles of tools lying around making it tough to use the workbench.

Nice Foggy Photos - 1 of 2 Nice Foggy Photos - 2 of 2

Took a couple of nice truck pics in the fog, to practice for the "Turbo Diesel Register Calendar Contest". In my opinion, vehicles tend to look better when doing a "telephoto" look, i.e. slightly zoomed in and taken from further away. Unfortunately my phone doesn't have much optical zoom so the pics are probably too grainy to blow up for a calendar. I'll have to borrow Beth's nice camera to get some better shots, now that I know roughly how they'll turn out. And of course, I'll have to wait for another foggy day.