File Type: application/javascript
var $monitors = 0;
var groups = {
"all": { name: "All", file: null, filter: "*" },
"servers": { name: "Servers", file: "servers", filter: ".group-servers" },
"switches": { name: "Switches", file: "switches", filter: ".group-switches" }
(function ($) {
$(document).ready( function() {
defaultGroup = getParam("g") || "all";
$('<button data-action="refresh">Refresh</button>').click(function(e){
for(g in groups) {
$('<button '+
(groups[g]['filter']==groups[defaultGroup]['filter'] ? 'class="selected" ' : '') +
'data-action="select-filter" '+
(groups[g]['file'] ? 'data-file="'+ groups[g]['file']+ '" ' : '')+
'data-filter="' + groups[g]['filter'] + '">' + groups[g]['name'] +
if(groups[g]['file']) $('<span class="file-status" data-file="' + groups[g]['file'] + '"></span>').appendTo($('#status'));
window.setInterval(updateMonitors, 10000);
function updateMonitors() {
for(g in groups) {
//Yay for asynchronous function callbacks!
if(groups[g]['file']) {
$.getJSON('status/' + groups[g]['file'] + ".json", (function(file_copy) {
//$('body').append("<!--" + JSON.stringify(status) + "-->");
return function(status) {
populateMonitors(status, file_copy);
return function() {
notify(file_copy, "stale", "Unable to get JSON data!");
function populateMonitors(status, file) {
if(!status['monitors']) {
notify(file, "stale", "Unable to get monitor status!");
} else {
monitors = status['monitors'];
services = [];
generated = new Date(status['generated']);
for(i in monitors) {
if(monitor['dependencies'].length == 0) {
addOrUpdateMonitor(i, monitor['status'], file);
} else {
services[i] = monitor;
for(i in services) {
parent = services[i]['dependencies'][0];
service = services[i];
addOrUpdateService(parent, i, service['status']);
now = new Date();
elapsed = Math.round((now.getTime() - generated.getTime()) / 1000);
if(elapsed > 90) freshness = "stale";
else freshness = "fresh"
notify(file, freshness, "Updated " + elapsed + " seconds ago");
function setUpIsotope() {
$monitors = $('#monitors').isotope({
itemSelector: '.monitor',
layoutMode: 'packery',
getSortData: {
name: '[data-name]'
filter: $('[data-action=select-filter].selected').attr('data-filter'),
sortBy: 'name'
function arrangeMonitors() {
$monitors.isotope({filter: $('[data-action=select-filter].selected').attr('data-filter')});
function addOrUpdateMonitor(name, status, file) {
$monitor = $('#monitors').find('.monitor[data-name="'+ name+ '"]');
if ($monitor.length > 0) {
//console.log('updating ' + name);
$monitor.attr("data-status", status).html(monitorHTML(name, status));
} else {
//console.log('adding ' + name);
$monitor = $('<span class="monitor group-'+ file+ '" data-name="'+ i + '" data-status="'+ monitor['status']+ '" data-file="'+ file+ '"></span>')
.attr("data-status", status).html(monitorHTML(name, status));
$monitors.append( $monitor ).isotope( 'appended', $monitor );
return $monitor;
function addOrUpdateService(parent, name, status) {
$parent = $('#monitors').find('.monitor[data-name="'+ parent+ '"]');
$service = $('#monitors').find('.service[data-name="'+ name+ '"]');
if ($service.length > 0) {
$service.attr("data-status", status).html(serviceHTML(name.replace(parent + "-", ""), status));
} else {
$('<span class="service" data-name="'+ name + '" data-status="'+ monitor['status']+ '"></span>').attr("data-status", status).html(serviceHTML(name.replace(parent + "-", ""), status)).appendTo($parent);
if(status == "Fail") $parent.attr('data-status','Warn').find('.status').html("Warn");
return $service;
function monitorHTML(name, status) {
return [
' <div class="name">' + name + '</div>',
' <div class="status">'+ status + '</div>'
function serviceHTML(name, status) {
return [
' <div class="name">' + name + '</div>',
' <div class="status">'+ status + '</div>'
function notify(g, freshness, message) {
$('#status .file-status[data-file="'+ groups[g]['file']+ '"]').attr('data-freshness',freshness).html(groups[g]['name']+ ": "+ message);
$('body').attr('data-'+ g +'-freshness',freshness);
function getParam(sParam) {
var sPageURL =;
var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++)
var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
if (sParameterName[0] == sParam)
return sParameterName[1];