

File Type: text/plain

# SimpleMonitor-Web

If you run [SimpleMonitor](https://simplemonitor.readthedocs.io/) to keep an eye on your servers, you can use this to display your system status in a web browser.

## How to use

1. Set up a web-accessible folder and serve it via Nginx.
1. Copy the code here into the folder.
1. Configure SimpleMonitor to output its `status.json` file into a subdirectory of the web folder called `status`. You can run multiple instances of SimpleMonitor and have them write to different status files, if desired.
1. Update the `groups` array in `main.js` so that it points to the `.json` file(s) greated by SimpleMonitor.
1. Probably tweak some things I missed, and your status file should be rendered as a big pile of blocky indicators which turn red when individual monitors fail according to your SimpleMonitor config.

## Credits

This code uses/references:

1. [SimpleMonitor](https://simplemonitor.readthedocs.io/), and its dependencies of course
1. [jQuery](https://jquery.com/) - an old but compatible version is bundled, no CDN necessary
1. [Isotope](https://isotope.metafizzy.co/) - an old but compatible version is bundled, no CDN necessary
