File Type: text/html
{% extends "base.html" %}{% load static %}
{% block styles %}
<style type=text/css>
{% if community %}
body {
background-color: {{ community.body_bg_color }};
background-image: url('{{ community.background_url }}');
background-size: {{ community.background_size }};
background-position-x: {{ community.background_position_x }};
background-position-y: {{ community.background_position_y }};
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<div id="contentwrapper" class="indextemplate">
<a id="logo" href="{{ base_url }}"{% if community %} style="background-color: {{ community.header_bg_color }};"{% endif %}>
<img src='{% if community %}{{ community.logo_url }}{% else %}{% static "images/multi-logo.png" %}{% endif %}' />
<!--a id="sponsorlogo" target="_blank"></a-->
<form id="buildlayoutform" method="GET" action="{{ base_url }}view/">
<div class="tabs">
{% if not community %}
<li id="custom-tab-selector"><a href="#custom">Customize</a></li>
<li id="communities-tab-selector"><a href="#communities">Communities</a></li>
<!--li id="following-tab-selector"><a href="#following">Following</a></li-->
{% else %}
<ul style="background-color: {{ community.header_bg_color }};">
<li id="communities-tab-selector"><a href="#communities">Community</a></li>
<li id="custom-tab-selector"><a href="#custom">Customize</a></li>
<!--li id="following-tab-selector"><a href="#following">Following</a></li-->
{% endif %}
<div id="custom">
<div class='formcaption'>Multistream currently only supports <a href="">Twitch</a> streams.</div>
{% for stream_index in num_streams %}
<div class=streamfieldcontainer><!--label for="s{{ forloop.counter0}}">Stream {{ stream_index|add:1 }}</label--><input placeholder="Stream {{ stream_index|add:1 }}" data-index="{{ stream_index }}" class="streamfield deletable" type="text" name="s{{ forloop.counter0}}" id="field{{ forloop.counter0 }}" {% if streams %}value="{{ streams.pop }}"{% endif %} /><span class="streamstatusicon"></span></div>
{% endfor %}
<div class='layoutselectors clearfix'>
{% for layout_group in layout_groups %}
<div class="layoutgroup" data-streams="{{ layout_group.0.streams|length }}">
{% for layout in layout_group %}
<div class="layoutselector" data-index="{{ layout.index }}" style="{% if not forloop.last %}margin-right:10px;{% endif %}margin-bottom:10px;">
<div style="text-align:center;margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:4px;"><input name="layout" value="{{ layout.index }}" data-index="{{ layout.index }}" type="radio" {% if not layout.index %}checked="checked"{% endif %}/></div>
<div style="width:{{ layout.scaled_thumb.max_x }}px;height:{{ layout.scaled_thumb.max_y }}px;position:relative;">
{% for stream in layout.scaled_thumb.streams %}
<div class="streamthumb" style="position:absolute;width:{{ stream.dim.x|add:-2 }}px;height:{{ stream.dim.y|add:-2 }}px;left:{{ stream.pos.x }}px;top:{{ stream.pos.y }}px;text-align:center;line-height:{{ stream.dim.y|add:-2 }}px;">{{ forloop.counter }}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% for chat in layout.scaled_thumb.chats %}
<div class="chatthumb" style="position:absolute;width:{{ chat.dim.x|add:-2 }}px;height:{{ chat.dim.y|add:-2 }}px;left:{{ chat.pos.x }}px;top:{{ chat.pos.y }}px;text-align:center;line-height:{{ chat.dim.y|add:-2 }}px;">C</div>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<!--div id="following" class="clearfix">
<div class='authenticate twitch-widget not-authenticated'>
<div>Connect with Twitch to see your followed channels.</div>
<br />
<img class="connect-twitch" src="{{ base_url }}static/images/connect-twitch.png" />
<div id="followedlist" class='channellist twitch-widget authenticated'>
<div class='loading'>Loading...</div>
<div id="communities" class='channellist clearfix'>
{% if not community %}
<div id='quickpicks'>
<!--<div id='live-filters' class='filter-group floatright'>
<button data-filter-value=".live">Live</button>
<button data-filter-value="*">All</button>
<!--<div id='sort-filters' class='filter-group floatright'>
<button data-sort-value="name">Alphabetical</button>
<button data-sort-value="live">Live</button>
<button data-sort-value="random">Shuffle</button>
<div id='community-filters' class='filter-group'>
{% for community in communities %}<button data-filter-value=".community-{{ community.slug }}">{{ }}</button>
{% endfor %}<button data-filter-value=".channel">All</button>
{% endif %}
<div id="communitylist">
<div class='grid-sizer'></div>
{% if not community %}
{% for community in communities %}
{% if community.home_url and community.logo_url %}
<div class="isosquare community community-{{ community.slug }}">
<a target="_blank" href="{{ community.home_url }}">
<div class="communityimage" style="background-image: url('{{ community.logo_url }}'); background-color: {{ community.header_bg_color }};">
<div class="communitycaption">
<div class="visit">Visit the {{ }} community »</div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for channel in channels %}
<div class="isosquare channel{% if %} live{% endif %}{% for community in channel.communities.all %} community-{{ community.slug }}{% endfor %}" rel="{{ | lower }}">
<div class="channelimage" style="background-image: url('{{ channel.image }}');">
<div class="channelcaption">
<div class="channelname">{{ | lower }}</div>
{% if and %}<div class=game>{{ }}</div>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div id="submitbuttoncontainer" class='clearfix'><button id='clearbutton'>Clear</button><button id='cancelbutton'>Cancel</button><button type="submit" value="Watch Streams">Watch Streams</button></div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
{% if community %}
<ul id="menu-primary-menu" class="menu">
<li>Visit <a href="{{ community.home_url }}" target="_blank">{{ }}</a> / </li>
<li>Powered by <a href="//" target="_blank"></a> </li>
{% else %}
<ul id="menu-primary-menu" class="menu">
<li>The best way to watch multiple Twitch streams at one time.</li>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}