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# Miscellaneous Scripts

As it sounds, these are just random scripts I've written (lately, with some help from so-called 'AI') that might be useful to someone, though it's unlikely.

1. c64-schedule.php - Intended to sit in the root of a Wordpress installation, this script generates a Commodore 64 basic program in the form of a PRG file from data queried out of the database. As it is, it grabs upcoming events from the Eventon plugin and displays them on the screen, but with a bit of modification it could display anything from a WP site.
1. sunlight-percent.py - Shows how much of today's sunlight has passed, as a percentage. What if we replaced our current H:M:S scheme with this number?
1. build-code-markdown.sh - Used on this very site to convert a source code tree into a markdown file tree, for presentation/browsing within a static (in my case, Pelican) web site.
